bluefields, nicaragua

Bluefields is a place of great need and a lot of opportunities to serve others less fortunate than us. We spend our time laying cement, scraping and painting, playing with children, serving lunch daily, and traveling over night to villages where we shared the message of Jesus through our words and actions. Bluefields is the site of the “Feed the Children” program which will be  our VBS mission project this year! 

We have traveled to Bluefields every February  for the past fourteen years.

We value and appreciate you daily holding up Bluefields in prayer to the Lord! We are grateful to be part of a church that embraces mission as a value and priority!

Cazale, Haiti

Westwood visited Cazale, Haiti for the first time in November of 2009 in collaboration with Artists For Hope and Real Hope For Haiti. We have returned every year since. Real Hope For Haiti is run by the Zachary family who have lived in Haiti since 1994. RHFH is made up of a Rescue Center that cares for on average 65 severely malnourished and injured children and a Medical Clinic that works tirelessly to care for people from all over the mountains of Haiti. They also have a Cholera Hospital to serve and heal people in the area since the recent epidemic.

Our teams that visit Haiti try to relieve the burden of the huge amount of work that goes into running the Rescue Center and Clinic in Cazale. We do whatever is asked of us to help. The days are long and busy and we are blessed with getting to spend time with the sweet children that are being cared for at the Rescue Center.

We are blessed to be a part of RHFH’s mission in Haiti and would love your prayers for their missionaries and the people and children they are caring for.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that demonstrates God’s love in a tangible way to children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, shares the Good News of Jesus Christ. We collect gift-filled shoeboxes that are packed with love and prayer, and distribute them through churches in countries around the world, missionally connecting churches with the aim of sharing the Gospel.Kendra and Dave McIvor serve as year-round volunteers, seeking to share the ministry with churches, organizations, businesses, schools and individuals who want to share the Gospel in a unique and effective way.

If you have questions or want to know more, please feel free to email us at or or visit the Samaritan’s Purse website and social media pages here: or search Operation Christmas Child

Missionaries We Support

Phil & Olivia Iekel

Managua, Nicaragua

Olivia facilitates church partnerships and volunteer opportunities for the Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua.

Kristina Wagner

Auckland, New Zealand

Works with Navigators in Auckland at multiple universities.
