2024 Deacons

At Westwood deacons are responsible for the physical needs of the church and those in need outside of our church.  Acts 6: “ People of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this task”. 

The office consists of 7 separate ministries each requiring specific gifts and leadership qualities.  These areas are: Finance, Missions, Buildings & Grounds, Security, Hospitality, First Impressions, and Office of Executive Deacon.

Paula Eastman

Paula Eastman

Deacon of Finance

Deb De Boer

Deb De Boer


Nathan Essink

Nathan Essink

Building & Grounds

Harlan Burggraaf

Harlan Burggraaf


Ryan Fuller

Ryan Fuller


Lauren Myers

Lauren Myers

Deacon of First Impressions
