MSM Summer Mission Trip Registration

MSM Summer Mission Trip Registration


01/01/2023 - 06/16/2023    
All Day

Event Type

It’s that time of year again!  Time to start thinking about our annual summer trip – and how you can register now!  This year, we are excited to be going to Kenosha, WI to serve the community there through Group Mission Trips.

The dates for this year’s trip are: July 16th – 21st, 2023.  The summer trip is a great opportunity for your student to be challenged to grow as a follower of Jesus as well as make incredible memories and build friendships with other MSM students.  We strongly encourage you to consider sending your student to this life changing event!

What you need to know:

  • THERE IS A 2-STEP Sign-up Process:
    1. Submitting your trip deposit through our church website. *see links to payment pages below
    2. Filling out the registration form with GROUP Mission Trips
  • The cost per student for the trip is $400* which includes all transportation, housing and food (both on site as well as in transit) and a t-shirt.
  • If you’re able to pay in full up front, that would be very helpful, and you’re welcome to do so!  However, if a payment plan would help you and your family, this amount can be paid in a total of 3 installments:
    1. Initial Deposit of $100 (due at time of registration – after February 1st, a late fee will be added) Registrations will remain open until all our spots have filled.
    2. 2nd Payment of $150 (due by March 8th)
    3. 3rd Payment of $150 (due by May 3rd)
  • Although you register through the Group Mission Trip website, payments are submitted separately to Westwood and will be collected online through the church website again this year. Click on one of the payment buttons above to bring you to a payment page.
  • By signing up and paying a deposit, you are agreeing to follow through with paying in full (as the church has to pay in full up-front to secure your student’s spot). All payments are non-refundable.  If you are paying in installments, please be sure to pay on or before each deadline.  If you are late to make a payment, a $10 late fee will be automatically tacked on to the payment that is late.
  • If your student is interested in attending, but the financial commitment would prevent them from registering, please talk with us and we can discuss the possibility of some financial assistance.
  • Any questions? Contact

Please prayerfully consider helping your student to attend this summer’s mission trip… we’re confident it will be an amazing experience for everyone!
