MSM Summer Mission Trip Details

MSM Summer Mission Trip Details


07/16/2023 - 07/21/2023    
All Day

Event Type

Hi MSM Summer Trip Parents!

I hope that you (and your student) are starting to get excited for our summer trip!  Our week away will be filled with lots of fun, laughter, great opportunities to serve others and so much more!

I wanted to be sure to pass along a few details that we didn’t have before.

  • Departure Time: Meet at Westwood at 5:30am on Sunday, July 16th so we can load the bus and get ready for our 6:00am departure.  We recommend you eat a little something before you come, but we will have some juice boxes, and grab-n-go breakfast snack options available on the bus ride as well.
  • Return Time: We plan to be back to Westwood after dinnertime (6:30-7:00ish?) on the evening of Friday, July 21st. (We’ll text a message when we have a better idea of our arrival time back to Westwood.)
  • Please note dress code, what to pack, what NOT to bring, etc. in the attached files
  • **1 Parent for every student please fill out the online medical form for us — this form will allow you to tell us about allergies, what medications your child will need while they are with us, as well as allow you to give us permission to administer basic over-the-counter medications if your child should need some while we are away.  Here is the linkMedical Form for all Students
  • Lastly, please have your student watch this video from GROUP about expectations: Week of Hope Expectations Video

I’m attaching a few files that might be of interest to you as you prepare for our trip.  If as you’re looking over the information you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!  I’ll be out of the office quite a bit these next few weeks for personal vacation and a family wedding, but promise to get back to you as soon as I’m able.  Thanks in advance for your patience.

GROUP Mission Trip Packing List 2023

2023 Mission Trip Participants

Mission Trip schedule 2023

MSM GROUP Mission Trip Prayer Requests 2023

We are NOT planning on having a mandatory parent meeting prior to our departure this year.  Feel free to email me any questions, or if you have questions you’d like answered in person, please catch me at 10:30 a.m. after Sunday School in the MSM room on July 9th.

Hope you’re all having a wonderful summer!


~ Kara
