HSM Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

HSM Operation Christmas Child Packing Party


6:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Event Type

High Schoolers, Westwood Youth HSM is excited to serve children around the world through a program called Operation Christmas Child.

On Wednesday, November 15th we’ll have a packing party at youth group, packing shoe boxes filled with toys and toiletries to bless kids in different countries this Christmas. Working in your small group, each individual will need to bring supplies and work together to create a box for each person in the group. Each individual will need to supply: a variety of small toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and a monetary donation of $10 (per box) to help cover the cost of shipping. (You will NOT need to bring your own shoebox or wrapping paper this year, as we will provide OCC boxes for everyone to use.) For ideas on what kinds of things to bring, please visit: What goes in a shoebox gift?

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, visit: Samaritan’s Purse website
