Annual Meeting Dinner FUNDRAISER

Annual Meeting Dinner FUNDRAISER


4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Type

Westwood’s Annual Meeting Dinner FUNDRAISER – students arrive at 4:30pm

Hello Parents of middle schoolers!

Summer may seem like a long ways away, but mark your calendars now for our MSM Summer Trip – July 16-21, 2023.  This year, we are excited to be heading to Kenosha, WI where we’ll get to serve the community through various local ministries at a work camp put on by GROUP Missions called “Week of Hope”.  It’s an incredible opportunity for our students and we hope your child can join us! More details will be coming out in the next few months about trip specifics, so be sure to watch for those.

In order to help subsidize the cost of the trip for students each year, our major fundraiser is hosting a dinner prior to the annual congregational meeting here at church. We decorate the tables nicely, ask the kids to dress up and serve as waiters and waitresses, and serve some yummy food!  So please plan to have your child come ready to serve, dressed nicely, at 4:30 p.m. on December 4th.  We will need all hands on deck!  We’ll put them to work helping with final food prep, decorating, and learning about the various ways to help serve for the evening.  Once the dinner is finished and all clean up is complete, students will either be asked to join your family in the worship center for the remainder of the meeting, or if your family does not attend, they’ll be encouraged to call you to come and pick them up then.

In order to make our fundraiser as successful as possible, we always ask for parents to help by signing up to donate ingredients needed for us to cook the meal with. This year, we’ll be having homemade BBQ meatballs and cheesy potatoes for the main course. Please view the list of needed items and sign up to bring as many as you’re able!  If it’s easier for you, there is also the option to simply make a financial contribution to the ingredients or you could also volunteer to help with some of the cooking prep if you’re available.  We’d appreciate anything you can give!

We ask that all donations be brought to church MSM room by Wednesday, November 30th.

When you drop off your items, PLEASE LABEL them with your name so I know who has brought in their donations and whose I am still waiting on. If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks in advance for all of your help in making this year’s dinner a success!

