Make a
Use your gifts and passions to make a difference here at Westwood and in the community.

Hospitality teams
Hospitality Teams are an essential part of church life and make Westwood feel like home to every person who walks through our doors. God uses Hospitality Teams to set the stage to reach more people and change lives.
Sunday Hospitality Team
Age: Middle School+
The Sunday Hospitality Team uses the gift of hospitality to greet, serve coffee and engage guests in our gathering space and Worship Center.
The Sunday Hospitality Team uses the gift of hospitality to greet, serve coffee and engage guests in our gathering space and Worship Center.
WNL Hospitality Team
Age: Middle School+
The WNL Team creates a welcoming environment and prepares food for Wednesday Night Live.
The WNL Team creates a welcoming environment and prepares food for Wednesday Night Live.

Westwood Kids teams
Westwood Kids is one team with five focuses. Our team helps kids have a genuine relationship with God, build a biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church.
Nursery/Preschool Team
Team Leader Age: High School+ with Background Check
Team Member Age: Middle School+
The Nursery/Preschool Team serves children infants through Kindergarten and offers them the opportunity to hear the life-giving message of Jesus through Bible stories, worship, prayer, and hands-on activities.
Team Member Age: Middle School+
The Nursery/Preschool Team serves children infants through Kindergarten and offers them the opportunity to hear the life-giving message of Jesus through Bible stories, worship, prayer, and hands-on activities.
Elementary Team
Team Leader Age: High School+ with Background Check
Team Member Age: Middle School+
The Elementary Team invests in the lives of kids 1-5th grade by giving them the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, Small Groups, prayer, and games.
Team Member Age: Middle School+
The Elementary Team invests in the lives of kids 1-5th grade by giving them the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, Small Groups, prayer, and games.
Wee & Kids Worship Team
Team Leader Age: High School+ with Background Check
Team Member Age: Middle School+
(11:00a Service Only) The Wee & Kids Worship Team leads PreK-Elementary kids into worship and praise. No musical talent is required, just willingness to have fun!
Team Member Age: Middle School+
(11:00a Service Only) The Wee & Kids Worship Team leads PreK-Elementary kids into worship and praise. No musical talent is required, just willingness to have fun!
Bible Basics
Team Leader Age: High School+ with Background Check
Team Member Age: Middle School+
Once a month, during the 11am service, the 3rd-5th graders gather for Bible Basics. Here kids practice using their Bibles and explore topics like baptism, communion, fruits of the spirit, The Lord’s Prayer, etc.
Team Member Age: Middle School+
Once a month, during the 11am service, the 3rd-5th graders gather for Bible Basics. Here kids practice using their Bibles and explore topics like baptism, communion, fruits of the spirit, The Lord’s Prayer, etc.
VBS Team
Team Leader Age: High School+ with Background Check
Team Member Age: Middle School+
Every summer kids hear about and experience the love of Jesus during VBS week. This team makes this tremendous opportuinty possible.
Team Member Age: Middle School+
Every summer kids hear about and experience the love of Jesus during VBS week. This team makes this tremendous opportuinty possible.
Westwood Youth Teams
The Westwood Youth Teams help 6-12th students feel welcome and known by creating environments where they connect with God, experience Him, and take steps in faith.
Youth Small Group Teams
Age: 18+, Background Check
Our Small Group Teams invest in the lives of our Youth and facilitates discussion times each week.
Our Small Group Teams invest in the lives of our Youth and facilitates discussion times each week.

Outreach Team
The Outreach Team demonstrate God’s love in practical ways by caring for the felt needs within our community, state, and nation.
Care Team
Age: High School+
When people make special requests of Westwood (i.e. home project, moving, transportation assistance, financial, etc.), The Care Team is first to step up! If you’re someone who thinks “I may not be able to help with everything, but if there is a need I’d love to help if possible,” this is your team!
When people make special requests of Westwood (i.e. home project, moving, transportation assistance, financial, etc.), The Care Team is first to step up! If you’re someone who thinks “I may not be able to help with everything, but if there is a need I’d love to help if possible,” this is your team!
Worship teams
The Worship Team aims to create a followable, clear, undistracted and dynamic experience every Sunday morning.
Music Team
Age: High School+, Audition
The Music Team facilitates a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and instrumentalists.
The Music Team facilitates a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and instrumentalists.
Production Team
Age: Middle School+
The Production Team facilitates a powerful, distraction-free worship experience through the use of lighting, video technology, and audio engineering.
The Production Team facilitates a powerful, distraction-free worship experience through the use of lighting, video technology, and audio engineering.

Public Safety Teams
Dedicated to ensuring a secure and safe environment for all members and visitors. Comprised of trained volunteers, the team is prepared to respond to emergencies and provide assistance during services and events.
First Aid Team
Age: 18+, Background Check, Certifications
The First Aid Team uses their gifts and professional training to meet basic first-aid needs at weekend services, conferences, and special events.
The First Aid Team uses their gifts and professional training to meet basic first-aid needs at weekend services, conferences, and special events.
Security Team
Age: 18+, Background Check, Certifications
Ensures the safety of attendees by monitoring the premises, responding to emergencies, and maintaining a secure and peaceful environment during services and events.
Ensures the safety of attendees by monitoring the premises, responding to emergencies, and maintaining a secure and peaceful environment during services and events.